Work until drop.

re-start .

T for Topshop .

0945 16/12/10

tmr last paper. chemistry 1. sigh.. time flies. 19 alr..enter u,grad,work,marry,reproduce,and wait die.. hahaaa mayb i'm immortal.

The Band Perry,The Fred Perry

Free Fallin'

Fallin' in love with john mayer.


our brain - A.M.A.Z.I.N.G !


GAGA - Current desktop

Coca Cola



No.1 ; Love or Lust?



Set me Free

My Hp Wallpaper ,Woah

【All time favorite Cantonese KTV song】

你十七岁 早起晚睡 每日要饮几罐汽水
你未与他一双一对 这么说对不对谈恋爱
从来都计较代价 但你和那人会觉得很快乐吗
习惯在背后吻他完成为了 深夜有个人送回家
明天爱什么 如果你许可 来让我保管也不错
你也未曾遇过 永远未停下来的我
要你付出不算多明天爱什么 怎么非他不可
其实我比他更清楚 你太大情大性 谁亦觉得还不错
你若爱人 很多顾虑 我亦怕给感情连累
我共你真天生一对 这讲法对不对谈恋爱 从来都计较代价
但你和那人会觉得很快乐吗 习惯在背后吻他完全为了
明天爱什么 如果你许可 来让我保管也不错
你也未曾遇过 永远未停下来的我
要你付出不算多明天爱什么 怎么非他不可
其实我比他更清楚 你太大情大性 谁亦觉得还不错
明日渴望玩耍请找我 有空档请预我
明天爱什么 如果你许可 来让我保管也不错
你也未曾遇过 永远未停下来的我
要你付出不算多明天爱什么 怎么非他不可
其实我比他更清楚 你太大情大性 谁亦觉得还不错

Luckily i hate microsoft products *windows 7 the only exception*

If nt my wallet berlubang

Pengajian Am Stpm

defendan vs plaintif: pihak didakwa/tertuduh vs mendakwa

ultra vires: kesalahan melakukan tindakan luar kuasa

locus standi: hak mendakwa

prima facie: bukti yg cukup utk mula kes

writ: dokumen bertulis mahkamah

saman: arahan agar defenden hadir bicara

waran: arahan agar polis menahan & membawa tertuduh ke mahkamah

habaes corpus: perintah membebaskan seseorang dlm tahanan

injuksi: sesuatu tindakan diberhentikan sementara menunggu perbicaraan tamat

sapina: perintah agar seseorang hadir sbg saksi

afidavit: pernyataan bertulis secara bersumpah utk dijadikan sbg bukti

alibi: bukti defendan(tertuduh) tiada di tempat kejadian

de facto: mengikut amalan

ex-parte: membaca keputusan tanpa kehadiran satu pihak

mandatori: hukuman wajib yg tidak boleh diubah

mandamus: hukuman kerja kebajikan


Kawan & Aku. Half time break for stpm :)

phew. PA2,biology 1,2 ,physics 2,chemistry 2 are OVER. 5 more papers -- maths T 1,2 ,PA1,physics 1,and chemistry 1.

KL library again. 6Kensett again. Discussion room again..

Probably the last day for us ,to discuss together,study together,share the cold together at the library :(

lunch ,off to BK

Random snap ZOMG

Here we go

Darren Pang PTK a.k.a Super saiyan. He is a fanatic of Jay chou's fanatic LMAOs!

Loke VH.a.k.a Pat liong kam. HAHAA ,He is just like me,A Liverpool die hard fans. Cheering guy & a good organiser Teehee

Foo JH a.k.a FJH hmm..Maths Genius but DotA noob.(liverpool die hard fan too) hhahaaa Be good with him & he'll be good with you. Amanda amanda amanda~ LOL

Set Wai Hong a.k.a SAD14. always kena bully by the Wong Choi. He is the only guy in class that can fight wv me,fight wt? Kelengzaian OMFG perasan giler babi and His Dragon Knight & Sniper really no joke. lose to my grandmom ROFLS :)

The ChiliS just too YUMMY. Come for the chiliS actually. wth

crowded... middle fingers!

Majlis Jamek

Malaysia Transportation FTW.

Then dinner with Justin, Zu ken, Ivan,Set & !!!
Cc with them & Siow. DuringSTPM FTW x2

Fun daySSS wv u guys. Creme de la creme & Let the Fire burn until 16dec !


Ivan Low a.k.a Noob & i don't know how to describe him

good night

PAPER 1 Final Important Checklist *

1. Analytic Techniques. - Microscope,chromatography ,Blotting etc. etc.

2. Quantitative Ecology ; No.49 ,50

3. Biodiversity

4. Reproduction (at max 5questions ,come with biodiversity)

5. Energy flow

6. Genetic Engineering - Hybridisation,DNA fingerprint,Gene Therapy etc. etc.

7. Restriction Endonuclease

8. Enzyme Kinetic M&M

9. Specialized Plant cell

P/S : No.6,7,9 at max only one question,each. but i blv all will show up at tmr paper ,It's kinda like tradisi for these few topic to come out 1max each to test our memory power wtf

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